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GCDA Panel Discussion on Using Social Media for Job Search, Networking and Branding

  • Friday, November 15, 2013
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Mercer University Atlanta, Administration and Conference Center (ACC), Room 190, 2930 Flowers Road S. Atlanta, GA 30341


Registration is closed
Please join us for the Georgia Career Development Association November 2013 panel discussion on using social media for job search, networking and branding!

Date: November 15, 2013

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Mercer University Atlanta

Administration and Conference Center (ACC)
2930 Flowers Road S. 
Atlanta, GA  30341
Room 190

2.5 CEUs available

Continental breakfast will be served.

Registration is required for all members and non-members. Cost is $20 for members, and $30 for non-members.

The November GCDA event features a panel presentation and discussion on social media.  The panelists and facilitator are all published authors on the topic of social networking and careers.  You’ll hear the latest information on how to coach jobseekers on the broad range of social media tools.  You’ll also learn tips for using social media to promote your own brand and that of your organization.




As a Career Coach, Social Media Strategist and Consultant, Diane Crompton, has coached hundreds of individuals on how to effectively leverage social media for job search, personal branding, and career management. She has also consulted with organizations and executives on how to optimize their use of social media for brand building, recruiting and other business objectives. Diane has co-authored two books on social media:   Seven Days to Online Networking and Find a Job through Social Networking (named one of the top career books by She is a frequent speaker and contributor to media on this subject. Her background is diverse and includes work as a senior career consultant for a global HR consulting organization, a recruiter, educator and independent consultant. Diane provides expertise through her own consulting practice and is also Chief Marketing Officer for a technology organization, developing social products and solutions for the job seeker, professionals and the enterprise.

Miriam Salpeter is a Social Media Strategist and Consultant, a New Economy Job Search Coach and owner of Keppie Careers. She teaches job seekers and entrepreneurs how to take advantage of social media tools to demonstrate their expertise and build their brands. Miriam is author or co-author of three highly regarded books: Social Networking for Career Success, Social Networking for Business Success and 100 Conversations for Career Success, which Forbes named  a "best book to boost your career."  She contributes weekly to U.S. News & World Report's On Careers column as well as to Forbes selected Keppie Careers as a "top career resource," and Miriam has been tapped as an expert source for CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and other media outlets. A power Twitter user (@Keppie_Careers), CNN called her a "top 10 job tweeter you should be following" and just named Miriam a top 5 Twitter influencer for job seekers.


Ellen Sautter is a Senior Consultant with Right Management, a global HR consulting and outplacement firm, where she coaches individual clients and facilitates group workshops on the full spectrum of career management topics.  She is the co-author with Diane Crompton of two books on social media and careers, Seven Days to Online Networking and Find a Job through Social Networking.  Ellen is recognized as an expert on developing job search strategies and using online networking tools in career transition and business development. She is a frequent speaker at career conferences, professional association meetings and job search support groups.  In addition to her experience in the career transition industry, Ellen has developed and implemented marketing strategies for a human resource consulting and training company, consulted on career development projects, managed a recruiter network, and been an officer of a recruiting firm.  She has amassed a large network on LinkedIn and looks forward to connecting with all of you there.

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