Labor Market Outlook
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We are very fortunate to have as presenters two economists with the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. They will provide expert insight to inform our GCDA membership on the latest economic trends and employment outlook, including:
Jacqueline Michael-Midkiff is the Regional Economist for the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Mountain-Plains Economic Analysis and Information Office in Kansas City. She began her career with BLS more than 15 years ago as an economist collecting and analyzing compensation data. She then spent several years working with inflation data from the Consumer Price Index before taking on the position of Senior Economist in the office of Economic Analysis and Information. She takes an active role in disseminating and explaining BLS data through outreach events and presentations, responding to media requests, handling public inquiries regarding BLS data, and writing analytical reports.
Karen Ransom is a Regional Economist with the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Southeast office located in Atlanta. She received a degree in Economics from Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Before transferring to Atlanta, she worked for the BLS in the Chicago regional office for 3 years. Her current job as Branch Chief of the Economic Analysis and Information Office in Atlanta entails writing news releases, conducting economic roundtables, developing marketing materials, and responding to press and public inquiries.