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Spring 2014 GCDA Professional Development Institute: Developing Personal Resilience

  • Friday, April 25, 2014
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Mercer University Atlanta Administration and Conference Center (ACC), Room 245, 2930 Flowers Road S. Atlanta, GA 30341


Registration is closed
Please join us for the Georgia Career Development Association April 2014 Professional Development Institute on Developing Personal Resilience!

Date: April 25, 2014

Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mercer University Atlanta

Administration and Conference Center (ACC)
2930 Flowers Road S. 
Atlanta, GA  30341
Room 245

5.5 CEUs will be available.

Lunch will be served.

Registration is required for all members and non-members. Cost is $115 for members, $130 for non-members, and $65 for students.

Developing Personal Resilience


As the pace of change in the world continues to increase, managing the many disruptions in our lives has become one of the most important tasks we face.  Yet we are not always very good at adapting to this accelerated pace of change.  Successful change depends on whether an individual can adapt to new ways of thinking and operating.  However many people lack an understanding of how change affects them and what they can do to better anticipate and adapt to changes that come their way.


Adapting to change is costly because it requires personal resources to make the shift. The resources we use include mental energy (to unlearn old ways of doing things and learn new ones), emotional energy (to work with our feelings and reactions), and physical energy (to engage in new behaviors).  Everyone has capacity available for adapting to change. Some have more than others do, but no one has an unlimited amount.


Of all the factors that contribute to adapting to change, the single most important factor is resilience undefined the capacity to absorb high levels of change and maintain high levels of performance.  When resilient people face the ambiguity, anxiety, and loss of control that accompany change, they tend to grow stronger from their experiences rather than feel depleted by them.


What is resilience?  Based on a range of studies and observation of people going through change, researchers have identified a set of characteristics that help people use their adaptation energy more effectively.  These characteristics can be considered “change muscles”; we believe that everyone has the ability to apply and develop each one.


This workshop will present knowledge and experiences to help coaches understand their own resilience in times of change.  The concept of grit, as studied by Dr. Angela Duckworth of the University of Pennsylvania and other researchers, will be aligned with the Resilience characteristics in order to illustrate how the components of GRIT can be developed.


Practical applications of resilience when coaching and counseling clients through life transitions and behavioral change will be emphasized throughout the workshop.



1.       Increase awareness and understanding of the importance of resilience in successful change.

2.       Present the characteristics of resilience and the ways they work together.

3.       Complete an online Personal Resilience Questionnaire or in-workshop self-rating assessment to gain personal insight about one's own resilience. 

4.       Learn how the resilience characteristics can be strengthened.

5.       Apply the learning about personal resilience to clients/students

**Attendees will take the Personal Resilience Profile prior to the workshop.The Personal Resilience Profile (PRP) helps individuals better understand their own responses to change. They can see which of the resilience characteristics are easiest for them to use when responding to change and identify opportunities for personal development.

Based on results from a 75-item online questionnaire, the assessment generates percentile scores on each of the resilience characteristics based on a database of over 70,000 individuals. The accompanying report describes each of the characteristics and provides guidance on interpreting the profile.


Dr. Joy E. McCarthy.   Joy McCarthy is a licensed psychologist with over 25 years of coaching and consulting experience.  She works with students, adults, and organizational teams and leaders to identify their strengths and to overcome challenges in reaching their full potential and achieving their goals.  Her areas of expertise include leadership development, talent management and engagement, team performance, career transitions, change execution, resilience, and strategic innovation.  As a member of the Resilience Alliance team and from her years of independent practice, Joy has extensive experience in individual assessment and organization diagnostics as well as in the design and delivery of customized learning programs.  She uses the Personal Resilience Profile and Resilience learning tools frequently with clients of all ages.  When coaching her focus is on helping people integrate their increased self-awareness and competency with their personal needs and their professional demands. She teaches how to reinforce growth and change for long-term sustainability.  Joy is known for finding ways to engage her clients in the change process, identifying the source of their vitality and commitment, and awakening their abilities and creativity.


Her client base includes individuals in personal and professional transition, publicly held corporations, academic and other not-for-profit institutions, community organizations, and small, entrepreneurial businesses. 


Dr. McCarthy obtained her Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia and her B.A. in Political Science at Maryville University, St. Louis, Missouri. 

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